Could consulting from Preston Family Medical be the next step on you GP career? Preston Family Medical has been a site for doctors caring for people of Preston since 1971 when the practice was opened at the then new Northland Shopping Centre. Dr Bill Leadston opened the practice after returning from working in Europe and he continued to care for patients until his retirement in 2016. Over this time the practice demonstrated its commitment to GP training with 100 registrars working in the practice over this time.
The different doctors that consult here enjoy the broad range of general practice work and position themselves as GPs working at the upper end of complexity of GP work. As well as standard consulting they are strong on antenatal and women’s health with shared care, IUD placement and MTOP provision. The practice has a bedside ultrasound unit for assessing gestation that tenant doctors can use. Two doctors offer acupuncture. Two doctors offer Voluntary Assisted Dying. We offer men’s health with vasectomy and PREP.
Preston Family Medical has always been a teaching practice, in partnership with Melbourne University for medical students and MCCC (now RACGP) for GP registrars.
As a tenant doctor you can decide your own billing format, many are mixed billing. The service side of the practice offers BestPractice for patient management and billings. We use HotDoc for online bookings and recall management. Some doctors have enjoyed the switch to telehealth and use HotDoc for video telehealth. There is a continued fight to go paperless with electronic faxing straight from your computer, electronic prescriptions and radiology and are working on electronic pathology. Each room has a electric low/high exam bed, electric sit/stand desk, video telehealth set up and we have a responsive IT support.
Billing for independant practitioners is under your management and as a doctor contracting from the practice, 100% of billings goes to your account. A service fee invoice is raised and submitted to you fortnightly.
Being a small privately owned clinic we were able to quickly create Covid safe conditions in 2020 and have continued that now. Patients are Covid screened before every face to face consult. Currently, we offer Covid vaccines and boosters and provide safe levels of quality PPE (all GP are provided N95 mask after fit testing) as needed.
If consulting to the public in a Covid-safe, supportive environment in Northern Melbourne could be your next career move, please contact to arrange a meeting.